25 jul 2020

Luna Comanche (Comanche Moon) - Catherine Anderson

Luna comanche (Comanche, #1)

Una antigua profecía predijo que una mujer blanca y un Comanche acabarían uniendo dos razas separadas por la tragedia y el odio. ¿Sería verdad que el odio terminaría gracias a la unión de ambos? Lo que sí está claro es que la profecía nunca dijo que sería fácil. Loretta y Cazador son los elegidos para comprobar si, todo la sangre derramada por ambas razas será capaz de aguantar todos los obstáculos que el destino les pondrá de prueba; secuestros, traumas de la infancia, maldad pura y mucho amor son los ingredientes que encontrarás en esta primea novela de la serie Comanche creada hace muchos años por Catherine Anderson y que, siempre que puedo recomiendo leer para conocer un poco más en profundidad una vista del lejano Oeste desde diferentes puntos de vista muy válidos y justos. ¿Te aventuras a ello?

I'm fond of stories which show the readers a deep knowledge about the settings that the author creates for their novels.
And Catherine Anderson had done that with Comanche Moon brilliantly

Loretta, the female character was only a child when all her family passed away due to an attack by Comanche tribes. Since that moment, she was not able to speak because of the trauma and her mother's family, consisting of her uncles and her cousin had taken her in as if she were one of them.
Her life is quite simple but pacefull and out of any danger. It is when she started to transform into a beautiful young woman that the troubles came her way. A few suitors want her hand in marriage and even her own uncle wants her for himself.

One day, when her uncle was "forcing her", she is saved by a mysterious man. "Hunter of the wolves", a fearless Comanche warrior who was passing by. Loretta, who had always hated his race, thinks that he only wants the same as others and escapes without knowing that from that moment, everything she knows is going to change.

Hunter wasn't passing by, he was there in order to fulfill an ancient promise; Convert that mute woman into his wife. But the goal is not going to be easy. He thinks "white" women are unfaithfull and she thinks that he belongs to the most dangerous killers around the West.

Loretta finally has to go with him and during their long journey, through montains, rivers and deserts, both of them discover that despite the fact that they are not the same race, both have similiar thoughts and are fighting for a better world.

That journey of redemption, discovering and romance is the thing that I enjoy the most. Becasuse while reading, you are able to see both points of view and realise how the Indian tribes suffered only because they were different from the "white people".

They had to suffer torture, conquests, murders and a hundred things more just because the "white" people wanted their land and the did not think in the same way in religious terms.

Loretta represents at first that prejudice and little by little, with the actions of Hunter, we can see crystal clear that he only wants to treat her well and honour their vows. While, on the other hand, we can see how Hunter started to fight for her instead of against her when he discovers that she was not as he imagined at first.

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